Travel and tourism, like many other industries, have been harshly affected by the coronavirus restrictions, and international sea travel has virtually come to a halt as passengers have been unable to travel around the world.
At the start of the pandemic, many cruise liners had to anchor up in sheltered harbours to wait until they were able to travel once again to some glorious destinations!
But it’s true that every cloud has a silver lining, and for us here in South Devon this certainly has been the case. Neighbouring Torquay and Babbacome Bay have been bursting with the incredible sight of these simply gi-normous cruise ships, mainly because the waters around the bays are really well sheltered from westerly winds.
A familiar sight on South Devon coast
The cruise ships have become a familiar part of our Devon landscape and really help to brighten up a lockdown walk along our South Devon Coast!
They have also become part of our local community. Over the Christmas period there were six ships offshore with around 700 members of staff on board. Local groups got together and sent hampers full of treats and decorations to share the Christmas spirit with those on board away from their families.
And, the goodwill works both ways, as the staff on the boats have also been donating any surplus food to the local food banks in the communities.
The number of ships at any one time in the bay varies and although the major cruise liners don’t yet know when they will be able to sail, they are expecting they will be able to begin again towards the beginning of the summer.
Sam Cork ship illustration
Tor Bay Harbour Authorities recently posted this illustration from Sam Cork showing the ships that have stayed with us in the Bay. Alongside the names of the ships is also their gross tonnage – pretty hefty we say!
So if you are booked to come and stay with us before the summer, it will definitely be worth you bringing your camera and taking a spin out to see these amazing vessels!
Ooo and if you post any pictures tag us too! #welcomefamilyholidaypark