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Back to School After Lockdown

After almost a year of interrupted schooling, this week will see many of our children returning to the classroom. We just wanted to say that we hope it goes well for you all and that we are really looking forward to Welcoming you to the park very soon!

Whilst some have enjoyed the time at home, many have also found it has made them anxious. The return to school this week will certainly bring out many of the same feelings and the change from learning at home to being back in the classroom may be quite overwhelming.

How to help children return to school

However our children deal with heading back to school, we can make sure that we are doing our best to make sure they are okay. Here’s just a few things we think might help:


The many worries that we face always seem that little bit smaller after sharing them with someone and the same goes for our children. Having a chat about the small things that have happened during the day can be a great way to get our little ones to open up about the big things that may be bothering them and lets them know you’re always there to talk.

Be Positive

It’s worth having a check-in every now and then about things we have enjoyed about lockdown, such as spending time together, having more walks as a family and being able to grow out our hair are just some. It’s also really helpful to be able to find out what your little ones are looking forward to, such as a play in the park after school, seeing grandparents and visiting their favourite holiday park of course!


Our sleep patterns have taken a massive hit this last year: the change in routines, worry, lack of exercise and reduced amounts of time outside have impacted us all. For many, getting back into a routine outside of the home will really help get our sleeping habits back on track. A relaxing bedtime routine – such as a good bath, a warm drink and something to read – has been the advice for many years, and we think it’s a great place to start for all the family!

Be Open

It’s a great idea to tell your children what they can expect over the next few weeks as we move forward on our lockdown roadmap. Sometimes not knowing what to expect can be daunting and having a few facts about what will be happening can make all the difference. Even something as simple as what they will be having for lunch or what jumper they can wear can make all the difference!

Look Forward

We do need to remember what we have learned about ourselves this last year, but also need something to look forward to. Lockdown 3 has certainly made us realise that simple things like planning a dinner out or meeting up with friends for coffee really do make a difference to how we are feeling. So now we are able to start making plans – let’s do it!

Getting back into socialising

Obviously booking a holiday with us would be amazing – but you could also plan a street party or a get together with the family for when restrictions have been eased.

If you would like anymore information on booking a holiday with us, you can find out everything you need to know on our COVID Update Page here

Take Care and Stay Safe. Most of all we want to be able to Welcome you and your families back to the park all safe and sound. So whatever you do please make sure you look after yourselves and especially the little ones over the next few weeks as they adjust to going back to school.

Best wishes and stay safe, your Welcome Family.